What Todo

A Chrome Extension for your "New Tab" screen to manage daily and weekly tasks & notes with ease. (See what-todo.app for the in-browser version)

Standup CLI

A terminal app for managing standup tasks


Chrome extension to remove dark patterns from booking.com.

Slack Feedback

Customizable React component for gathering user feedback to send to slack.

Spotify tracklist

Generate a Spotify playlist from a pasted tracklist (generally found in comments on YouTube).


Generate documentation for React components.

React Sequencer

Step sequencer built with React and the Web Audio API.

Boxfish: Explore

A data-centric app for displaying the connections between brands. Created for advertisers to create lists of similar interests based on criteria.

Boxfish: Cerebro

A tool for finding and aggregating audience data for social media advertising platforms.

Copyright © Mark Murray, 2024