What's a rate limiter?
Why would you use a rate limiter?
Identifying users
In order to count the number of requests from a client, we will need some way of identifying unique users.
A simple but naïve approach is to identify users based on their IP address. However, this will cause problems for multiple users who share the same IP address. One bad actor can starve the others by sending too many requests.
If a user is logged in, we could use their unique user ID to limit requests. If a user is NOT logged in, we could use their IP address or a combination of identifiers to limit requests.
Algorithms: Fixed window
A fixed window algorithm resets the count of each connection after x amount of time. For example, if your rate limit is set to 10 requests per second, every client's limit would be reset every second at a single point in time.
const defaults = {
// Number of milliseconds before resetting
interval: 1000,
// The total number of requests allowed within our interval
max: 10,
// A function to identify the user based on the request
getUniqueKey: (request, response) => request.ip,
// The message to respond with when the limit has been reached
errorMessage: 'Too many requests. Please try again later',
// Whether to send the response as JSON or not, true by default
json: true,
const app = express();
* Get the epoch for when the connections map will be reset
* This will be returned in the "X-RateLimit-Reset" response header
const getResetTime = (interval = 0) => {
const date = new Date();
return date.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() + interval);
* Our rate limit middleware
const rateLimiter = (options) => {
const { interval, max, getUniqueKey, errorMessage, json } = Object.assign(
let connections = {};
let resetTime = getResetTime(interval);
// Increment the key if it exists, otherwise
const increment = (key) => {
const currentValue = connections[key] || 0;
const nextValue = currentValue + 1;
connections[key] = nextValue;
debug(`Increment connection (${key})`, nextValue);
return nextValue;
// Reset the connections
const resetConnections = () => {
debug('Resetting connections');
connections = {};
resetTime = getResetTime(interval);
// Reject the request, setting a 429 status code and returning our error message
const rejectRequest = (res) => {
res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Reset', Math.ceil(resetTime.getTime() / 1000));
if (json) {
return res.json({ message: errorMessage });
return res.send(errorMessage);
// Reset the connections map every second
setInterval(resetConnections, interval);
return (req, res, next) => {
const key = getUniqueKey(req, res);
const currentCount = connections[key] || 0;
if (currentCount >= max) {
res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', max);
res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', 0);
return rejectRequest(res);
const count = increment(key);
res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', max);
res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', max - count);
Using our rate limiter on selected routes:
app.use('/protected', rateLimiter(), (req, res) =>
res.send('Request succeeded'),
So now if we run our server and hit a couple of times we can see that the connections map is counting the requests for each IP address:
curl http://localhost:8000/protected // 200
curl http://localhost:8000/protected // 200
curl http://localhost:8000/protected // 429
This solution works but there are several problems with it - the most important being that it will not scale past a single server.
Let's say our server is receiving a high number of requests per second. We may want to scale our service horizontally by adding more servers and putting a load balancer in place to distribute the requests. If we create a new instance of the rate limiter and hold the connections in memory for each server, we will run into a problem where one client can be limited by one server but not another. This means that client could technically double or triple their limit, depdending on the number of servers.
So how could we solve this?
We could set up our load balancer in a way that clients are always routed to the same server, meaning we could keep multiple cache stores.
The proper solution here would be to extract the storage from our servers and share a single cache amongst them all. Ideally, we would want to use a key:value database such as Redis or Memcache to store the counts.